2023-07-30 16:11:48 来源:个人图书馆-rabitzn
张宁仁安 词 By Zhang Ning 丹心照, A loyal heart everyone had, 红妆卸去英姿妙。 So beautiful when having the makeup removed. 英姿妙, So beautiful, 星辰日曜, In the the starlight and the sun shining, 战征巡哨。 They did fighting and scouting. 餐风茹雪风呼啸, Life was hard in the battlefield, 戎歌嘹亮沙场笑。 But they sang and laughed. 沙场笑, Laughed, 新生换羽, They enjoyed new lives, 玉容神耀。 And became more energetic ones. 20230722关键词: